Albox Info - The Albox Directory for you..!
Albox Info brings you a directory for businesses and services that are serving the Albox area. Currently it's FREE to add a listing. So don't delay, if you have a business, service or community group that is directly serving the Albox area add yourself to the directory now..!
The Albox directory has 460 listings for you to view
- Searches are made on Category names, Sub-category names, listing names and listing descriptions
- Only words with 3 or more characters are searched
- Use a trailing * (asterisk) as a wildcard
- Example: proper* matches property, properties, properly, etc...
- A leading + (plus sign) means that word must be present
- A leading - (minus sign) means that word must be absent
- An exact phrase search can be made by surrounding the phrase in double quotes
- Example: "Almeria property"
- Words with no modifiers are treated as optional
- If your are running Firefox v2.0+ or Internet Explorer v7.0+
then click here to install the Albox Info Directory Search Plugin
Building & Maintenance
- Construction Services & Supplies
- Damp Proofing
- Electrical Services & Supplies
- Garden Services & Supplies
- Hardware Stores
- Heating
- Home Security
- House Maintenance Services
- Kitchen Supplies & Installation
- Metal Workshops
- Outdoor Enclosures
- Painting Services & Supplies
- Plumbing Services & Supplies
- Pool Construction
- Pool Maintenance & Supplies
- Septic Tank Cleaning
- Solar Energy
- Windows and Glazing
Professional Services
- Computer Supplies
- Florist
- Furniture Stores
- Garden Centres
- Garden Furniture
- Gifts & Accessories
- Handicrafts
- Healthfoods
- Home Decoration
- Homewares
- Household Appliances - Sale & Repairs
- Imported Food Products
- Jewellers
- Online Shopping
- Photo Supplies & Film Development
- Regional Food Products
- Supermarkets
- Tobacconists
- Video Gaming
Over 12,000 illegal properties in the Almanzora Valley
Read more → 12,697 illegal properties in the Almanzora Valley
Eight beautiful gardens are open to the public for an afternoon.
Read more → Cabrera Annual Open Gardens 2011
Over the last 20 years Albox has grown from a sleepy market town to a thriving cosmopolitan community. Good folk have been setting up all manner of businesses, services and community groups. Here you have the chance to promote and find just the thing you are looking for. You can also find a concise information about Albox, a 7 day weather forecast and information about fiestas in and around Albox.
Our aim is to bring you the best and most up to date information about Albox and it's community. If you have noticed any incorrect information please contact the team at Albox Info and let us know. Do you have new information about upcoming events in Albox or just news in general? Then please contact us, we'd love to hear from you.